When you're here, you should know that:

  • We disinfect our stations after every treatment using an antibacterial solution
  • We store our implements in Barbicide
  • Our staff are washing their hands after every single client, using hand-washing technique as set out by the WHO
  • We now disinfect our reception desk after every transaction and all door handles at regular intervals throughout the day
  • We are checking in with staff daily to ensure they are healthy and well and have not been in contact with anyone who has Coronavirus
  • We offer free facemasks if you have not brought your own.


Please don't be offended, but we take every client’s temperature and will be asking anyone coming to the salon for their appointment to also wash their hands on arrival.


If you have a cold, a sniffle, a cough, fever or are feeling unwell, first, we are sorry to hear it! And secondly, we would ask that you kindly reschedule your appointment so that we can see you when you're back feeling fighting fit.


If and when the time comes that we need to take extra measures, we will do so in the most responsible way as advised by the right authorities.


Thank you very much for staying loyal to us. 


The Phoenix Team

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