Heaven Scent: The Power of Essential Oils- Phoenix Brighton

Mar 22, 2021

Our sense of smell is one of the most important ways we interact with the world around us. As well as helping us stay alive by identifying potential dangers, smell helps us form memories, relive past experiences and give us intense feelings of pleasure and wellness.

From the moment you step into our luxury boutique spa here in Brighton you’ll be met with carefully chosen essential oils to lift the mood and encourage a sense of wellbeing. But what is it that makes aromatherapy so special and why do sweet smelling oils make us feel so good?


Plants have been used in medicine for thousands of years and appear in all major civilizations around the world. As far back as Ancient Egypt there are accounts of intoxicating perfumes that were used to attract mates and fight a wide range of health concerns. Today we combine beautiful essential oils with massage to send the body and mind into a deep state of relaxation, and enthusiasts believe there are many health benefits to be had in the process. It’s thought that aromatherapy can help with a huge range of health problems, from chronic pain to depression and anxiety. Studies suggest that essential oils can assist with restful sleep, as well as improving the quality of life of people with dementia.


Aromatherapy works by stimulating smell receptors in the nose, which in turn sends messages to the brain and the limbic system - the part of the brain associated with emotions. The oil can be used in diffusers to fill the air, or applied directly to the body, usually in a neutral smelling carrier oil.


Of course, not all essential oils are made equal. There are many available on the market that contain synthetic ingredients that can have the opposite of a healing effect, leading to headaches, nausea and skin irritation. The best essential oils are organic, so you know you’re enjoying the scent just as Mother Nature intended.


Some of the most popular essential oils used for health and wellness include:


Lavender: known for its sweet but powerful scent and rich purple flowers, lavender has an immensely relaxing effect that is often used for a good night’s sleep.


Bergamot: A type of tiny orange that grows in Italy, bergamot has a deliciously citrusy aroma that stimulates the senses and elevates the mood. It also has antiseptic and analgesic properties which makes it great for soothing sore muscles.


Rose:  As well as being one of the most beautiful and instantly recognisable smells on the planet, rose oil is believed to offer a huge and surprising range of health benefits. It naturally promotes mental wellbeing, easing the symptoms of stress and depression, whilst also being used to treat menstrual cramps, fight infections and stimulate healthy cell growth. Many experts also believe that rose oil is a natural aphrodisiac.


Peppermint: An instant peppy pick-me-up, peppermint is a popular flavour in foods and dental products. But it also comes with a huge range of health benefits from aiding digestion and easing cold symptoms to headaches and muscular cramps.


Here at Phoenix we pride ourselves on only using the purest, highest possible quality essential oils that not only smell amazing but are also cruelty free. Contact us today to book an aromatherapy massage and discover what all the fuss is about!

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